My trials and tribulations

Hi all ,this blog is going to show some of the tricks in my life ,Enjoy !

Sunday, 5 December 2010


 This is 2 ft/600mm deep greeting me at the door .This is usually a step down lol

Drive is in-passable

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Power up

In action powering  16 double  radiators
6 inch flue letting her breath

No draft on

Draft on gasification baby !!

Sunday, 24 October 2010

the install of fire

Fire almost finished just got to add the draft control and ash pan door
Trial run notice the chimney which is 8inch ,a little on the big side and didn’t offer much draft :-(  ,but it heated the water up (abt 30 gallon in abt 30 mins)
Old house capped chimney ...great :-( ended up putting scaffold up after a dangerous climb onto the pot to confirm the capping 
view from the top of chimney after i had climbed up to see the capping 
And here is Grandpop watching in amazement lmao !!

Saturday, 9 October 2010

The fire

Moved into new house with only downstairs heating ,then installed upstairs radiators with separate pump .Having done all this it became apparent it was going to be expensive to run so the quest for alternative heat source began.
Building a multistove ,basically a firebox surrounded by water.Here you can see what will be the fire back and gasifier.
Fire box completed 
Side view Showing the air intakes for the gasifier and rear of flue before its closed up .All this will be clad with water tank .